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A man life story, or journey

Updated on November 29, 2021

The human life cycle is our life journey

People are bourn, they grow up and experience in their lives whatever their experience will be. One day they could use these experiences to tell the story of their lives. Now that is what we want to do, we want to tell the story of our life.
People are bourn, they grow up and experience in their lives whatever their experience will be. One day they could use these experiences to tell the story of their lives. Now that is what we want to do, we want to tell the story of our life.

A simple man life story or journey

Welcome to our article (3), a man life story or journey

Dear readers, every one of us has stories to tell, the most important story that we can tell is the story of our own life, that starts when we are born and ends when we die. So, let me tell you my life story, most life stories are different, so, even a simple life story like mine can be interesting to hear, because they have their own merits. Anyhow, everyone of us has a story to tell, and these links will prove that it is so.

Everyone Has a Story to Tell - Goins, Writer ,

You are a storyteller, and you have a story worth telling. - Get Storied,

Now, let me write my own life story. I am going to write my own life story, the way that I have lived it, even if it is boring, and I don’t want to add anything to my life story to make it look better.

Therefore, I hope that I can write my life story, in a way that my readers understand easily. You see, because today we live a different lifestyle, we can misunderstand the situation, for this reason, we need describe the difference between how life was in those old times and how life is now.

Anyhow, to keep my life story in a chronological order, I must start my story from the time when I was born. Anyhow, I plan to write my life story in two parts, one part is going to be about my young life, starting from when I was born, followed by my life in our family-farm in Southern Italy, the things that I did and were happening in the farm and in my native town of Genzano di Lucania, which is the town where I was born and our family farm was. Of course, I am going to tell you some history of my native town, because history of the place where we are born is important to know; the second part is going to be about my life story in Australia, since I migrated to Australia in my early twenties, and I have lived in Australia ever since.

This second part of my life story will be dealing with lots of things, it will include several articles about building houses and other building. Since I ended up working in the building industry in Brisbane Australia; so, I will describe how different building things were done in those times when I came to Australia, how these same things have progressed and how I progressed and became a bricklayer, during the time that I have been working in Australia, and I have been working as a bricklayer most of my life; and when I was not bricklaying, I was doing other building work as well. This will be written in our Hub page articles DIY brickwork, and our website. Anyhow, these things are the things that I want to write about in my life story.


Story telling is a very old interesting skill

I am going to try to tell you my life story. I know that it is not easy to tell a good interesting story, as some people do. Since they are so good at telling you a story that the listeners feel as if they see the events in front of their eyes.
I am going to try to tell you my life story. I know that it is not easy to tell a good interesting story, as some people do. Since they are so good at telling you a story that the listeners feel as if they see the events in front of their eyes. | Source

Planning to write my life story

Anyhow, this article is the beginning of my life story and there will be several articles written about my story. Anyhow, I wish I can interest my readers to take a trip with me in the past, in the hope that I can show them something interesting, because for me my story is interesting.

You see, I want to tell you my own life story; because I have reached a certain age that makes me an old man, so, I wonder what I can show my readers to make my life story interesting to read. So, I am going to tell you my life story from the beginning just as it happened in the past, with some happy and some not so happy happenings, I suppose it is better for everybody, if I tell my life story this way.

Anyhow, even though in my life story I must say that I was struggling, so, it is not going to be a happy story to hear for entertainment sake; at the same time, I hope that my life story is interesting to hear, because the story that I am telling you has already happened, so, even if there are sad stories being told, they are old stories, so, they are not so sad anymore and they could be compared to today’s living to make the story more interesting; you see, this is what us old people do most of the time, we want to compare today’s way of life to the ways that we have lived our own life.

Therefore, dear readers, while you are reading my life story try to compare the ways of living of those days with the ways that we are living our lives today, because this is one of the reasons why I am writing my life story; if you do that, it will make you feel better. You see, today when I see things done from the younger generation that do not agree with my own views, I want to tell them the ways that things were done when I was young, therefore, I would start by saying; when I was young these things were not done this way and keep telling them what we did then. I hope you see what I mean. But now, let me start telling you the story of my life, as much as I can in a chronological way.


The historic Norman Castle of, Monteserico

When I was young, from my family farm I could see in the East this smallish castle of Monteserico every day, this castle is supposed to be the Norman castle that the Noman had in southern Italy and from here they dominated their conquests.
When I was young, from my family farm I could see in the East this smallish castle of Monteserico every day, this castle is supposed to be the Norman castle that the Noman had in southern Italy and from here they dominated their conquests.

Beginning the story of my life

Anyhow, I was born in 1938, therefore, before World War 2 started (1939- 1945), I was born and baptized in a Roman Catholic Church of Southern Italy just like everybody else is, in the town of Genzano di Lucania, and this is how my life stared.

Now as I have said, my family had a small farm, we owned some farm land around the farm, but the land that we owned was not enough to earn a living, so, we would work the land of large land owners, who let us use their land for a price that had to be paid with an agreed amount of produce each year; to you today this way of doing things might seem strange, but, that was normal practice in those days.

Let me explain, when I was young approximately half of the town land, was owned by a few large landlords. These landlords would lease their land for a price, which would be a certain amount of what their land produced each year.

To understand the ownership of the land, is not easy. But I will try to explain the easiest way possible; you see, most times it is not the owners of the land that work as farmers; but are other poor people that to earn a living are working as farmers.

As this has come about, we don’t know, but I believe that in the past the entire countryside would belong to the landlord that the rulers of the day gave the right to run that part of the country, so, even when I was young some of these way of living existed, the rich landowner that were able to secure the land in the past, now replaced the rulers or government landlords, or the master of that portion of the countryside, so, they would let us use their land for a price.

Anyhow, talking about the old ways, and about the landlords or the masters of the castles, it comes to my mind, that in Genzano di Lucania, there is this castle called, Monteserico, which has seen many wars of possession, to own the castle and the surrounding countryside, I remember that I could see this castle every day of my life, when I was in the farm. I have written this article, The Norman castle of Monteserico.

This is the church, in the town of Genzano, where I was baptized

This church, is the church of Maria Santissima delle Grazie, in Genzano di Lucania. Now, this photo was taken at a feast of this Madonna, this church is where I was baptized. You see, just about everybody over there, belongs to the Roman catholic ch.
This church, is the church of Maria Santissima delle Grazie, in Genzano di Lucania. Now, this photo was taken at a feast of this Madonna, this church is where I was baptized. You see, just about everybody over there, belongs to the Roman catholic ch. | Source

A new born baby will become an old man like me one day

A new born child is the most wonderful thing on earth that parents can receive from Mother Nature, so, we all dream of great things that this child could achieve during his life, we baptize and pray God that he will grant this child the best.
A new born child is the most wonderful thing on earth that parents can receive from Mother Nature, so, we all dream of great things that this child could achieve during his life, we baptize and pray God that he will grant this child the best.

How things were run in those old times

Anyhow, to understand how things were in the farms, before and during World war 2, I need to tell you this; to earn a living in those days was much harder than today, not only for us farmers, who were then thought to be in a better position than the rest of the town community, because we were producing food ingredients, especially in war time when food was hard to come by, we could always find something to eat from the fields.

So, the rest of the town were influenced by us farmers, if we were doing well the rest of the town would be doing well too; you see, in those times, the most important thing that people aimed for, was to be able to eat wholesome food every day, if you were able to do that, then you were doing well, there were no luxurious food or things to be had, accept a few times each year, like at Christmas and other important events.

Anyhow, let us compare the ways of life we had then; I need to point out that there was not much money going around in those days, so, a lot of times we had to exchange produce or things to make ends meet. So, let me tell you a couple of examples; for example, we needed a blacksmith to sharpen the tools during the year to work the fields, so, we would pay the blacksmith with an agreed amount of wheat, since wheat was our main crop and most people needed wheat to make their own bread during the year.

You see, if you had wheat you could take it to the mill to make flour and then make your own bread; therefore, by paying work done by wheat was convenient, as it was a two ways solution. It also was done like that because there was not much money around, even the farmers’ barbers used to be paid in wheat or some other produce from the farmers. Of course, there was money to do other general services or things, but all those services that would take a long time were done by these agreements, of so much work in exchange of so much produce. Sometimes even small things could be bought by exchanging some produce with some other things.

I know that what I have said seems ridiculous today, but this is how life was then. So, I wonder how the younger generation would feel to live in the old days that I have described. And be a youth working in the farm from a very tender age as I did.

I am saying this because today when I look at the young people most of them walk about with a mobile talking to their friends, or listening to music, or doing whatever they can do with their mobile, then they think that life is hard for them.

Anyhow, the difference in life style is so great, it is hard to believe that so many electronic devises have come out in the last fifty years, and they have changed our life style, so, we are better off today; therefore, just to compare, we should ask ourselves, what the youths of today could have done in my place? I know we were struggling then, but we were happy just the same, and there were people that were worse off than I was. Anyhow, we must accept life as it is and be happy, that is the best way to behave. I think that I have said enough in this article, so, see you soon in my next article, my life my struggle.


© 2011 F-Menchise


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